Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Birth Of Typography Influential Or Not - 1386 Words

The Birth Of Typography: Influential or not? We see typography at least everyday of our lives but not many people actually pay attention to it, it’s seen on signs, billboards, packaging, in books and magazines; matter of fact you are reading type right now. Typography is moderately a modern invention due to many typographers developing various amounts of modernized type, but the birth of typography goes back early as 3000 BC. The alphabet is possibly one of the greatest and distinctive creations done by a human, since early times, the source of ABC (typography) has taken on many forms, from Egyptian pictographs to the Roman alphabet. The first original written messages that we find in the history of type was a picture, which represents what they mean these are also known as PICTOGRAMS. Cave paintings, â€Å"which dates way back around 20,000 B.C.† (ILOVETYPOGRAPHY, website, 2009) were the â€Å"first real proof of recorded pictures, real written communication was possibly developed around 19,000 years later by the Sumerians around 3500 B.C.† (ILOVETYPOGRAPHY, website, 2009). The Sumerians are known to have recorded stories and keep records using simple drawings of everyday objects, called pictograms. Pictograms are actually meant to standby it self but they are often used in conjunction with words, which either repeat the meaning of the pictogram or add more information. A very Common example which still exists till this modern day are road signs, such as the P whichShow MoreRelatedA Letter Of Termination And On The Birth Announcement Of A Child1327 Words   |  6 Pageschoice to designers and amateur designers alike. What made Helvetica so popular and, why, over 50 years later, does it still retain its popularity? 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Gender Double Role In The Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath

Throughout the story â€Å"The Bell Jar† by Sylvia Plath, Esther’s mental health deteriorates overtime due to various factors in her social environment such as double standards. The novel begins with Esther’s internship at the Ladies’ Day magazine in New York City. Despite living the life every girl wishes to live, Esther is dejected and feels disengaged with the environment around her; thus resulting in the beginning of an identity crisis. Through the events of the story, gender double roles in the areas of education, careers, virginity and marriage affect Esther’s life significantly and it consequently leading to Esther’s confusion with her identity within the society. During the 50s, women were seen to be inferior to and dependent on men as†¦show more content†¦Due to this Esther is surprised when she sees Dr. Nolan as a psychiatrist as she did not think that a woman could be at a high position like the one Dr. Nolan was at. Altho ugh Esther is living the life every girl wishes to live she feels unhappy. Esther holds poetry and literature close to her heart but due to gender double standards, Esther’s mother discourages her to follow her dreams and learn shorthand instead in order to become a good housewife. Men were allowed to pursue their dreams and were encouraged to study and become successful. Esther feels that although she is a well educated woman, her future will not be bright. Upon returning from her internship, Esther finds out that she has not been accepted to the summer writing school, this confuses her about her future and she begins to lose control over her life. Double roles in the area of education and careers caused a lot of grief for Esther thus resulting in the beginning of an identity crisis which eventually becomes so severe that it leads to depression. A woman’s virginity was considered to be precious as pureness was really important for a girl. Women were only allowed to have sex after marriage; whereas men could have sex before marriage. According to Esther, her virginity is a big factor that is weighing her down. The conflict between losing her virginity before marriage or after marriage causes her to become confused about what wouldShow MoreRelatedThe Allegory Of The Double Standard1531 Words   |  7 Pages The allegory of the Double Standard Gender roles/ role playing Abuse of feminine creative powers The domestic ideal and symbolism of the bell jar The ironic coming of age and rebirth Color symbolism Manipulation between â€Å"personal experience† and variety forms of â€Å"artifice† Introduction Controversy over women s place in society and feminism has long been lurking as early as the 14th century. American poet and novelist Sylvia Plath is the author of collections of highly acclaimedRead MoreSylvia Plath’s Life1219 Words   |  5 PagesElizabeth Winder’s Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953 illuminates different aspects of Sylvia Plath’s life. However, Winder depicts Plath not as the mythologized martyr of a collapsed marriage or the tragic woman poet with a debilitating illness but rather as a young girl wanting to immerse herself in the rich, material culture of her time. Winder’s biography gives insight to the life of an intelligent young woman amidst the gender constraints of mid-century America, a themeRead MoreSylvia Plath s The Bell Jar960 Words   |  4 PagesIn Sylvia Plath’s novel, The Bell Jar, Plath expresses her opposition to the idea of men having complete control over every aspect of women’ s lives by utilizing the narrator Esther; a radical feminist, to speak out against conformity in a society run by men. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Role of Advertisement and Sales Promotion in ELP Free Essays

Introduction Two important features using by the company are advertisement and sales to promote product and sale. But both of the features are differ in their way. The form of mass media communication is advertising which is directed towards influencing the end consumer. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Advertisement and Sales Promotion in ELP: or any similar topic only for you Order Now Whereas, on the other hand, promotion and sales deal with the mass communication directly towards influencing and informing the distribution channel. For the promotion of product both, advertisement and sales are important. For the survival of company in the market, both of these factors are enable the firm to face the competition and to create unique position in the global market with their rivals. Advertisement and sale are useful in the launch and introduction of any new products and to promote the brand. The overhead expenses can be reducing by increasing in the production and these two factors sale and advertising lead to increase in production. But the disadvantage of promotion and advertising is it involves a huge wasteful expenditure. Promotion of any product and advertising of the product are very costly methods and do not have any guarantee that it helps in increase the demand and increase the selling ratio of the production. Some time people are ignoring the advertisement or most of the time advertising are escapes the attention of the people. ADVERTISING: by proper advertisement company can attract people to buy its product by giving such attention like; description uses, source of its availibity, price and its superiority over other brands. Advertising is an art to familiarize market, public and society with the product. Advertising is a paid form of commitment not only merely propaganda. According to Dr. Stanton â€Å"Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to a group, a non-personal, oral or visual, openly sponsored message regarding a product or services, or idea† MAIN OBJECTIVES OF ADVERTISING: 1) To create a demand for new products by explaining its utility 2) To announce a new product or service 3) To increase its sales by attracting new customers 4) To create brand preferences 5) To expand the market for new buyers 6) To assist the salesmen in their selling efforts 7) To warn the public against imitation of the product of the firm 8) To prepare ground for new products 9) Barring new entrance 10) To make special offers through sales promotion 13) To neutralize competitors advertising 15) To enhance goodwill of the firm Reference: Sales Management, Dr. M. M. Verma and R. K. Aggarwal, Forward Publishing Company, New Delhi. Human anatomy and physiology, Dr. T. P. Gandi, Dr. R. K. Goyal, B. S. Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad. 3) Dehrawal.s Role of Advertisement and Sales Promotion in Pharmaceutical Marketing: A Review 14-8-2006 http://www.pharmainfo.net http://www.pharmainfo.net/reviews/role-advertisement-and-sales-promotion-pharmaceutical-marketing-review How to cite Role of Advertisement and Sales Promotion in ELP:, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Clinical Depression Treatments And Causes Essay free essay sample

Clinical Depression: Treatments And Causes Essay, Research Paper By and large, depression is regarded as an unwellness due to an instability of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the encephalon. When seen as such, depression can no longer be considered a? mental unwellness, ? but alternatively must be categorized with physical unwellnesss that besides have causes, symptoms, and redresss. There are besides assorted types of depression, including Dysthymia, Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, and Bipolar upset, which is besides called frenzied depression1. These types all differ somewhat in the badness of their symptoms, but all are every bit relevant and treatable. Symptoms most normally associated with general depression are: ceaseless feelings of ineptitude, emptiness, and guilt ; overall loss in enjoyment and motive, particularly in activities one time enjoyed ; insomnia and loss of appetite taking to decreased energy and weariness ; and relentless physical complaints with no evident physical beginning. Since these many symptoms can set up themselves in different combinations, legion interventions for depression are available. We will write a custom essay sample on Clinical Depression Treatments And Causes Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Non-medical interventions include psychotherapeutics ( speak therapy ) , electroconvulsive therapy ( ECT or? daze? therapy ) , general life style alterations, and herbal redresss such as St. John? s Wort3. Medicine, nevertheless, is the most common intervention for depression ; anti-depressants are normally categorized as selective 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake inhibitors, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants. Presently, the most common antidepressant medicines are Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft, all of which are selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. Though these three medical specialties have different single properties, their general intent is to barricade 5-hydroxytryptamine from being reabsorbed back into the nervus cells that send it. This procedure is meant to increase the sum of 5-hydroxytryptamine available to be absorbed by the following cell, and finally assist serotonin transmittal in the encephalon return to normal. Paxil, like the other two antidepressants mentioned, has small noticeable side effects. These sometimes include dec reased appetency, dry oral cavity, sudating, sickness, irregularity, sexual side effects in work forces and adult females, oscitance, shudder or sleepiness4. In my personal experience with Paxil, I have noted an increased ability to keep my breath every bit good as a general giddiness straight before and after kiping. Refering dependence, Paxil differs from Prozac and Zoloft in that it is used as a intervention for Social Anxiety Disorder every bit good as depression. None are by and large habit-forming ; nevertheless, Paxil is sometimes associated with benzodiazepines, a category of habit-forming anxiousness upset medicines4. Depression does non hold any specific causes, nor is there an account for why depression affects some people and non others. Often, depression is accredited to nerve-racking events ; this may or may non be wrong. Another probationary factor of depression is genetic sciences ; still this does non vouch depression, and it may non be the implicit in factor in person who suffers from depression. Ultimately, the 5-hydroxytryptamine degree in the neurotransmitters in the encephalon is badly low, therefore doing stress extremely moredifficult to get by with. There is a certain? stigma? associated with depression and antidepressant medicines, therefore there are many misconceptions about the causes and effects of depression. One such misconception is? if you wait it out, your depression will merely travel away. ? Other stereotypes connected with depression are? if you can # 8217 ; t snarl out of your depression, it means you # 8217 ; re weak, ? or? merely self-destructive people need antidepressant medicine. ? Obviously, refering the chemical and physical nature of depression, these thoughts are erroneous, and hopefully this essay has shed visible radiation on those misconceptions efficaciously. # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8212 ; # 8211 ; 1 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.prozac.com/prozac/Main/DepressSymptoms.jsp 2 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.mhsource.com/narsad/bd/dep.html 3 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.prozac.com/prozac/Main/DepressTreatment.jsp 4 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.paxil.com/depress/paxil/body.htm 5 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.zoloft.com/depress/understand.htm 6 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.zoloft.com/depress/mythfactcontent.htm